Portal for service offers

We actively worked on designing and building the features of the portal, all to streamline the process of connecting service providers with those in need of services while ensuring transparency, trust, and user satisfaction.

C# ASP.NET, Umbraco, Nets payment gateway, Swish, Fortnox

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Service Catalog and Matching engine

The portal has a comprehensive listing of available services, categorized and described for easy navigation. Robust search and filtering options that help the users to find specific services quickly.

Service Request

The portal has a UI friendly feature that allows the users to request a service directly through the portal, with options to specify preferences and details.

Appointment Scheduling

If applicable there is a feature to schedule appointments and bookings for services with real-time availability checks.

Payment Processing

Payment Processing involves integrating with various payment gateways to enable secure online transactions. This is essential for services where users need to make payments, such as booking appointments, purchasing products, or subscribing to services. By incorporating payment processing, the platform ensures that financial transactions are conducted safely and efficiently, offering users a seamless and trustworthy experience.

Feedback and Reviews

Feedback and Reviews are mechanisms that allow users to share their opinions and experiences with the services they've used. Users can provide ratings and written feedback, contributing to the reputation and credibility of service providers. This feature helps other users make informed decisions when choosing services and also encourages service providers to maintain high-quality standards.


Notifications are messages or alerts that keep users informed about relevant updates. These updates could include changes in their service requests, new offers or promotions, or general information related to the services they are interested in. Notifications enhance user engagement and ensure that users are kept up-to-date with the latest developments on the platform.

User Profiles

User Profiles provide individuals with a dedicated space to manage their personal information, service history, and preferences. Users can create and customize their profiles, making it easier to access and interact with the platform. User profiles also facilitate personalized experiences by allowing users to set preferences and save relevant information for future use.

Service Provider Profiles

Service Provider Profiles offer a platform for service providers to showcase their credentials, expertise, and offerings. These profiles often include detailed information about the services they offer, their professional background, reviews from previous clients, and contact information. Service provider profiles help users make informed decisions when selecting a service provider that suits their needs.

Support and Help Center

A Support and Help Center is a resource where users can seek assistance with inquiries, technical issues, or general guidance. It serves as a point of contact between users and the platform's customer support team. A well-structured help center provides users with easy access to information, troubleshooting guides, and the means to contact support staff, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly experience on the platform.

C# ASP (C# Active Server Pages)

Is a programming language and framework that allows developers to build dynamic and interactive web applications. It is widely used for developing web-based solutions and is especially popular for creating enterprise-level applications. C# ASP provides a robust and scalable environment for building web applications with its extensive library of pre-built components and tools. It offers features like code-behind, server-side scripting, and seamless integration with databases, making it a versatile choice for developing complex and data-driven websites. With its strong support for object-oriented programming and a wide community of developers, C# ASP is a reliable option for creating powerful web applications.

Fortnox API

Fortnox API is a powerful and versatile application programming interface provided by Fortnox, a leading provider of cloud-based accounting and financial management software. The API allows developers to integrate their own applications with the Fortnox platform, enabling seamless data exchange and automation of various accounting processes. With the Fortnox API, developers can access and manipulate data related to invoices, payments, customers, products, and more. It offers a wide range of endpoints and functionalities, providing flexibility and customization options for businesses. The Fortnox API is well-documented and supported, making it a reliable choice for developers seeking to streamline their accounting workflows and enhance their software solutions.


Umbraco is an open-source content management system (CMS) built on the .NET framework. It offers customization, multi-language support, scalability, and a strong community for creating and managing websites and web applications.

Nets Payment Gateway

Nets Payment Gateway is a secure online payment processing service that enables businesses to accept payments from customers through various payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, and online bank transfers. It facilitates smooth and secure transactions by handling payment data securely and ensuring compliance with industry standards.

Mikael Strand

Co-founder & Senior Project Manager

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